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ルイーズ・ブルジョワ展:地獄から帰ってきたところ 言っとくけど、素晴らしかったわ
Louise Bourgeois: I have been to hell and back. And let me tell you, it was wonderful.

2024.9.25(水|Wed)~ 2025.1.19(日|Sun)

10:00~22:00(最終入館 21:30)
※火曜日のみ17:00まで(最終入館 16:30)


料金:オンライン料金+音声ガイド 600円


10:00-22:00 (Last Admission: 21:30)
* 10:00-17:00 on Tuesdays (Last Admission: 16:30)
* Open until 23:00 on 2024.9.27 [Fri] & 9.28 [Sat]; until 17:00 on 10.23 [Wed];
and until 22:00 on 12.24 [Tue] & 12.31 [Tue]. (Admission until 30 minutes before closing.)

- Admission will require an online advance booking for designated date/time.
- We are currently accepting bookings for visits until Thursday, October 31, 2024.

[Combo tickets (Exhibition admission + Audio Guide)]
Admission: Online admission + Audio Guide fee 600 yen
* Since the audio guide is via web application, visitors are requested to bring/use their own
device (e.g., smartphones, tablets) and earphones. Please note that neither devices nor
earphones will be available for rent on site.
* You can also purchase the audio guide on site, on the day of your visit.

Please be aware that some of the works displayed in this exhibition include sexually explicit
content. Prior to entering the exhibition we ask for the understanding.