森美術館メンバーシップ・プログラム MAMC個人メンバー規約 Mori Art Museum Membership Program, MAMC Individual Member Rules

[English is below.]

第1章 名称および所在地

第1条 名称


第2条 所在地

当館の所在地は、東京都港区六本木六丁目10-1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー53階とします。

第2章 規約

第3条 規約の適用


第4条 規約の変更


第5条 規則の制定および変更


第3章 メンバー

第6条 メンバー


第7条 メンバーの種別



第8条 入会方法

  • 1.MAMCへの入会を希望する方(以下「入会希望者」といいます。)は、「美術館・展望台 チケット|メンバーシップ サイト」(URL: visit.mam-tcv-macg-hills.com)(以下「運営者ウェブサイト」といいます。)の操作手順に従って申し込みを行い、入会希望者本人名義のクレジットカードにより次の年会費(消費税・地方消費税相当額を含みます。)を支払う必要があります。
    フレンド 5,500円
    フェロー 22,000円
  • 2.入会希望者は、MAMCへの入会の申し込みを行うにあたり、運営者ウェブサイトにおいて、別途運営者の定める方法により美術館・展望台IDユーザー登録を行い、美術館・展望台IDの発行を受ける必要があります。
  • 3.入会希望者は、以下の各号のいずれかに該当する場合には、MAMCへ入会することはできません。この場合、運営者は、拒否の理由を開示しないものとします。
    (1) 当社所定の手続によらずに入会手続を行った者
    (2) 既にMAMCへ入会している者
    (3) 過去に当社との契約(当社所定の規約を含みます。)に違反した者 
    (4) 暴力団等(第12条に定義します。)に該当する者
    (5) その他当社が不適切であると判断した者
  • 4.入会希望者が所定の手続を完了したと運営者が認め、かつ、入会希望者による年会費の支払いが完了した時点でMAMCへの入会手続が完了するものとします。
  • 5.年会費は、運営者の裁量において変更されることがあります。
  • 6.入会希望者は、年会費を支払った後は、法令上の無効または取消事由等が認められる場合を除き、キャンセルまたは年会費の返還等を請求することはできません。

第9条 入会期間


第10条 入会期間の更新等

  • 1.メンバーが、運営者からの電子メールによる入会期間の更新についての通知受領後、別途運営者が定める期間(以下「更新手続期間」といいます。)内に更新をしない旨の手続(以下「退会手続」といいます。)を行わない場合には、入会期間は、自動的に、入会期間満了日の翌日から1年間更新されるものとし、以後も同様とします。この場合、メンバーは、入会期間満了日までに、更新後の入会期間にかかる第8条第1項に規定する年会費を、第8条第1項に規定する年会費の支払に使用したクレジットカードと同じクレジットカードまたはメンバーが運営者ウェブサイトにかかる「マイページ」に登録したクレジットカードにより支払うものとします。なお、本項の定めにかかわらず、本規約効力発生前からの既存メンバーについては、初回更新のタイミングでは、システム上の制約により、自動的な更新がなされず、個別の手動での更新手続が必要となる場合があります。
  • 2.メンバーは、前項更新手続期間内に退会手続を行った場合または前項第2文に規定する年会費の支払いが入会期間満了日までに完了しなかった場合には、入会期間満了日をもってMAMCを退会するものとします。
  • 3.運営者がメンバーに対して電子メールその他運営者が適当と判断する方法で入会期間の更新をしない旨を通知した場合には、メンバーは入会期間満了日をもってMAMCを退会するものとします。
  • 4.メンバーは、入会期間中にMAMCから退会することはできません。ただし、入会期間中であっても、入会期間の更新をしない旨の申入れを行うことができます。この場合、メンバーは、入会期間の満了日をもってMAMCを退会するものとします。
  • 5.メンバーは、入会期間中にメンバー種別を変更することはできません。

第11条 届出内容の変更


第12条 メンバー資格の停止および取り消し


  • (1) 公序良俗、法令に違反する行為があった場合
  • (2) 他のメンバーもしくは第三者を誹謗、中傷することなど他のメンバーもしくは第三者に不利益を与える行為があった場合
  • (3) 当館の運営を妨害する行為があった場合
  • (4) 運営者への申告、届出内容に虚偽があった場合
  • (5) 暴力団、暴力団構成員または準構成員、暴力団関係団体または暴力団関係者その構成員(団体を含みます。)が違法または不当な行為を行うことを助長しまたは助長するおそれのある団体その他の反社会的勢力(東京都暴力団排除条例(平成23年東京都条例第54号。改正があった場合には改正後のもの。以下「条例」といいます。)第2条第4号に規定される暴力団関係者を含み、以下「暴力団等」といいます。)に該当すること、暴力団等に支配されていることまたは暴力団等との関係を有していることが判明した場合
  • (6) 第10条第1項に規定する年会費の支払を怠った場合
  • (7) 第21条において禁止されている行為があった場合
  • (8) その他本規約に違反した場合
  • (9) その他メンバーとして不適切と運営者が判断した場合


第13条 権利の譲渡等の禁止


第14条 個人情報の取り扱い

運営者は、メンバーの個人情報(個人情報の保護に関する法律第2条第1項に規定する個人情報をいいます。この条において以下同じ。)を、運営者が別途定めるプライバシーポリシー(https://www.mori.co.jp/pp/privacy.html)の定めるところに従って取り扱います。 なお、運営者は、メンバーが美術館・展望台IDを用いてログインしたサービスに関連して運営者が取得した個人情報とMAMCに関連して運営者が取得した個人情報を横断的に分析することがあります。

第4章 マイページログインID・パスワード

第15条 メンバーのマイページ提示


第16条 美術館・展望台ID・パスワード

メンバーは、美術館・展望台IDおよびパスワードを、自らの責任で厳重に管理する責任を負います。 メンバーは、譲渡、貸与、名義変更、担保目的での提供その他形態を問わず、美術館・展望台IDおよびパスワードを、第三者に利用させることはできません。 運営者は、メンバーの美術館・展望台IDを用いて行なわれた一切の行為を、メンバーご本人の行為とみなすことができるものとします。運営者は、美術館・展望台IDおよびパスワードの使用上の過誤や第三者の使用によってメンバーが被った損害について、運営者に故意または過失がある場合を除き、一切損害賠償の責任を負いません。

第5章 メンバー特典

第17条 メンバー特典の提供

  • 1.運営者は、当館で開催される展覧会への無料入館の他、運営者が別に定めるメンバー特典をメンバーの種別に応じて提供します。
  • 2.運営者は、メンバーがメンバー特典を利用するにあたっての遵守事項や運用ルール等を適時任意に制定することができます。この場合には、当該遵守事項ないし運用ルール等は、本規約の一部を構成するものとします。

第18条 メンバー特典内容の変更


第19条 メンバー特典の中断およびMAMC運営の中止

  • 1.次の各号の一に該当する場合、運営者はメンバーへの事前通知なしに一時的にメンバー特典を中断することができるものとします。
      (1) 当館またはMAMCの運営を維持するため、運営者が緊急の作業を行う必要がある場合
    • (2) 当館または運営者が人災・天災の被害を被った場合
    • (3) その他、上記に類する非常事態
  • 2.運営者は、1カ月の予告期間をもって、MAMCの運営を中止することができるものとします。
  • 3.運営者は、行政上の措置(命令、処分、要請等を含みます。)、天災地変、リニューアル、または運営者の責めに帰することのできない事由がある場合、当館を一定期間閉館することができるものとします。

第20条 禁止事項


第6章 雑則

第21条 著作権その他の権利


第22条 運営者の損害賠償責任


第23条 損害賠償


第24条 通知


第25条 使用言語


第26条 専属的合意管轄裁判所


第27条 準拠法



  • 本規約は、2008年11月1日をもって発効します。
  • 本規約は、2011年6月1日に運営者によって一部変更されました。
  • 本規約は、2015年4月1日に運営者によって一部変更されました。
  • 本規約は、2020年3月31日に運営者によって一部変更されました。
  • 本規約は、2021年10月1日に運営者によって一部変更されました。
  • 本規約は、2023年12月1日に運営者によって一部変更されました。


Chapter 1 Name and Location

Article 1 Name

The Mori Art Museum (hereinafter called the “Museum”) shall mean the museum managed and operated by Mori Building Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called the “Operator”). MAMC, Mori Art Museum Membership Program (hereinafter called “MAMC”) shall mean the membership program for the Museum managed by the Operator under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

Article 2 Location

The Museum is located at Roppongi Hills Mori Tower (53rd Floor), 10-1, Roppongi 6-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Chapter 2 Rules

Article 3 Application of These Rules

The Operator hereby establishes these rules (hereinafter called these “Rules”) to govern terms and conditions that must be observed by users of the Museum upon admission to MAMC and use of the Museum and the members’ benefits described in Chapter 5 hereof (hereinafter called the “Members’ Benefits”). The agreement (hereinafter called the “Agreement”) shall mean an agreement between users and the Operator under these Rules.

Article 4 Changes to These Rules

If the Operator amends these Rules, the Operator will notify the Member to the effect that amendments will be made to these Rules, details of the amended Rules, and the effective time thereof by posting notices on the Operator’s website or other places designated by the Operator. Amendments to these Rules will be effective on the date of the effective time after those notices.

Article 5 Additional Rules

The Operator may establish rules in addition to these Rules if necessary. In this case, such rules shall constitute an integral part hereof.

Chapter 3 Members

Article 6 Members

As used herein, a Member shall mean an individual eighteen years of age or older who shall have applied for MAMC and shall have been admitted under Article 8 hereof.

Article 7 Categories of Membership

The categories of membership (hereinafter called “Categories of Membership”) shall be as follows:

(1) “Friend Member”
A “Friend Member” shall mean any person who has completed application procedures as described in Article 8 hereof, and paid the annual fee for a Friend Member as described in Section 1 of Article 8 hereof.
(2) “Fellow Member”
A “Fellow Member” shall mean any person who has completed application procedures as described in Article 8 hereof, and paid the annual fee for a Fellow Member as described in Section 1 of Article 8 hereof.

Article 8 Admission

  • 1. Any person who applies for MAMC (hereinafter called the “Applicant”) needs to apply in accordance with the operating procedure stipulated on the Museum & Observatory Tickets | Membership Website (URL: visit.mam-tcv-macg-hills.com; hereinafter called the “Operator’s Website”) and pay by credit card in the name of the Applicant the annual fee as described below (including applicable national consumption tax and local consumption tax).
    Friend Member 5,500 yen
    Fellow Member 22,000 yen
  • 2. Upon application for MAMC, Applicants need to register as Museum & Observatory ID users in accordance with the method stipulated by the Operator on the Operator’s Website and be issued with a Museum & Observatory ID.
  • 3. An Applicant may not be admitted to MAMC if he or she falls under any of the items below. In such cases, the Operator shall not disclose the reason of rejection.
    (1) a person who applied for MAMC by any means other than the procedures prescribed by the Company;
    (2) a person who is already a Member;
    (3) a person who violated an agreement with the Company (including rules prescribed by the Company) in the past;
    (4) a person who falls under an Organized Crime Group Etc. (as defined in Article 12); or
    (5) any other person deemed to be inappropriate by the Company.
  • 4. The application procedures for admission to MAMC shall be deemed completed at the time when the Operator confirms completion of the prescribed procedures by the Applicant and the Applicant completes payment of the annual fee.
  • 5. The annual fee may be subject to change at the Operator’s discretion.
  • 6. The Applicant may not cancel membership or claim a refund or the like of the annual fee after payment of the annual fee unless it is confirmed there is any legal invalidation or revocation event, etc.

Article 9 Membership Period

The Member’s period of MAMC membership shall commence from the date on which the payment of the annual fee of MAMC is completed in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of Article 8 hereof (hereinafter called the “Application Procedures Completion Date”) and end on the last day of the month prior to the month that includes the same date in the following year (hereinafter called the “Expiration Date of the Membership Period”).

Article 10 Changes to Membership Period

  • 1. The membership period shall be renewed automatically for a period of one year commencing from the date immediately following the Expiration Date of the Membership Period, and will continue to be renewed in this way annually, if the Member, having received the membership period renewal notice by e-mail from the Operator, has subsequently not followed procedures for notifying the Operator that he or she will not renew within the period (hereinafter called the “Renewal Procedures Period”) separately stipulated by the Operator (hereinafter called the “Withdrawal Procedure”). In such cases, the Member shall pay the annual fee for the post-renewal membership period as prescribed in Section 1 of Article 8 hereof by the same credit card as the one used for the payment of the annual fee as prescribed in Section 1 of Article 8 hereof or the credit card registered by the Member on “My Page” on the Operator’s Website by the Expiration Date of the Membership Period. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph, a Member who was an existing Member prior to these Rules coming into effect may need to individually renew the membership period manually as the membership period may not be renewed automatically at the time of the first renewal due to system limitations.
  • 2. The Member shall withdraw from MAMC on the Expiration Date of the Membership Period if he or she conducts the Withdrawal Procedure within the Renewal Procedures Period set out in the preceding paragraph or if he or she does not complete the payment of the annual fee set out in the second sentence of the preceding paragraph by the Expiration Date of the Membership Period.
  • 3. If the Operator notifies the Member by e-mail or other method deemed appropriate by the Operator that the Operator will not renew the membership period, the Member shall withdraw from MAMC on the Expiration Date of the Membership Period.
  • 4. The Member may not withdraw from MAMC during the membership period. However, the Member may give notice during the membership period that he or she will not renew the membership. In this case, the Member shall withdraw from MAMC on the Expiration Date of the Membership Period.
  • 5. The Member may not change the Membership Category during the membership period.

Article 11 Change of Information Notified

If there is any change in the Member’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, or any other information notified to the Operator, the Member shall promptly perform the change according to the procedure designated by the Operator, and the Operator shall not be responsible for any loss, including but not limited to late or undelivered e-mail, postal mail or any other correspondence, incurred by the Member due to his or her failure to perform said change unless there is willful misconduct or negligence by the Operator.

Article 12 Suspension and Cancellation of Membership

1. The Operator may immediately suspend or cancel the Member’s membership without notice to him or her in the event of any of the items below or any of the items in Section 3 of Article 8 hereof. In the case of such suspension or cancellation, the Operator shall not be responsible for any damage such as being unable to use Member Benefits incurred by such Member or any third party as a result thereof unless there is willful misconduct or negligence by the Operator.

  • (1) Any conduct by the Member in violation of good public order, or laws or regulations;
  • (2) Any conduct detrimental to other Members or third parties, such as defamation by the Member;
  • (3) Any conduct by the Member which interferes with the operation of the Museum;
  • (4) Any false statement or representation made by the Member to the Operator;
  • (5) Any case in which it becomes known that the Member is an organized crime group, a member or an associated member of an organized crime group, a group related to an organized crime group, a person related to an organized crime group, a group that encourages or is likely to encourage a member of any such entity (including any group) to commit any unlawful or unjust behavior, or any other anti-social force (including persons related to any organized crime group provided for in Article 2(4) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance for Eliminating Organized Crime Groups (Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance No. 54 of 2011; as amended, hereinafter called the “Ordinance”); each hereinafter called the “Organized Crime Group Etc.”), is controlled by an Organized Crime Group Etc., or has a relationship with an Organized Crime Group Etc.;
  • (6) Any default on payment of the annual fee prescribed in Section 1 of Article 10 hereof;
  • (7) Any conduct by the Member prohibited by the provisions of Article 21 hereof;
  • (8) Any violation by the Member of any of the provisions hereof; or
  • (9) Any other event or conduct which is not appropriate as to the Member in the Operator’s judgment.

2. The Member will automatically lose his or her status as a Member if his or her Museum & Observatory ID is deleted.

Article 13 Prohibition of Assignment

The Member shall not loan, assign, transfer, provide as security, or otherwise dispose of his or her MAMC membership, his or her status under the Agreement or any right or obligation under these Rules, whether in whole or in part, to any third party.

Article 14 Handling of Personal Information

The Operator will treat the Member’s personal information as defined in Section 1 of Article 2 of the Personal Information Protection Act in accordance with the privacy policy separately established by the Operator (please see: https://www.mori.co.jp/en/policy/privacy.html). The Operator may conduct a cross-analysis of personal information acquired by the Operator in connection with services to which Members logged in with their Museum & Observatory IDs, and personal information obtained by the Operator in connection with MAMC

Chapter 4 Login ID and Password

Article 15 Presentation of My Page by Members

In using Member Benefits, Members need to log in to their My Page on the Operator’s Website with their Museum & Observatory IDs using their mobile communication device (such as a smartphone), and present the screen of such data communication device displaying the already-logged-in My Page.

Article 16 Museum & Observatory ID and Password

A Member shall strictly manage his or her Museum & Observatory ID and password at his or her own responsibility. A Member may not allow any third party to use his or her Museum & Observatory ID and/or password in any way whatsoever, including but not limited to, assignment, loan, name change, or the creation of a lien. The Operator may deem any act conducted using the Museum & Observatory ID of the Member to be an act conducted by the Member him or herself. The Operator shall not be responsible for compensation for damages suffered by the Member due to misuse of the Museum & Observatory ID and/or password or use thereof by any third party unless there is willful misconduct or negligence by the Operator.

Chapter 5 The Members’ Benefits

Article 17 Provision of the Members’ Benefits

  • 1. The Operator shall provide the Member with free admission to exhibitions at the Museum as well as any Members’ Benefits separately prescribed by the Operator, based on the Member’s membership type
  • 2. The Operator may at its discretion and at any time establish matters to be observed or operational rules, etc. for the Members to use the Members’ Benefits. In this case, such matters to be observed or operational rules, etc. shall constitute an integral part hereof.

Article 18 Change of the Members’ Benefits

The Operator may change any part of the Members’ Benefits after posting notice of said change of the Members’ Benefits on the Operator’s Website with one month’s notice to the Member.

Article 19 Interruption of the Members’ Benefits and Termination of MAMC

  • 1. The Operator may temporarily interrupt any of the Members’ Benefits without notice to the Member in the event of any of the following:
      (1) Any urgent work required by the Operator for maintenance of the Museum or MAMC;
    • (2) Any loss or damage suffered by the Museum or the Operator due to a man-made or natural disaster; or
    • (3) Any urgent circumstances similar to any of the above.
  • 2. The Operator may terminate the operation of MAMC at any time with one month’s notice to the Member.
  • 3. The Operator may close the Museum for a certain period of time due to administrative measures (including orders, dispositions and requests), natural disasters, renovations, or any other reason not attributable to the Operator.

Article 20 Prohibited Conducts

Members may not use the Members’ Benefits for improper purposes (including, but not limited to, transferring or providing benefits included in the Members’ Benefits to unspecified third parties for consideration).

Chapter 6 Miscellaneous

Article 21 Copyright and Other Rights

The copyrights and all other rights in any and all contents contained in the Operator’s Website, e-mail newsletters, and any other materials shall belong to the Operator or third parties who grant rights to the Operator.

Article 22 Liability of the Operator

The maximum aggregate amount of damages that the Operator bears responsibility for to a Member shall in no event exceed the amount of the annual fee payable by such Member to the Operator for that year, regardless of the cause of action including default liability, unjust enrichment, and tort liability, unless there is willful misconduct or gross negligence by the Operator.

Article 23 Damage Claim

If there are any damages suffered by the Operator due to any violation of these Rules or any unfair or unlawful conduct of the Member, the Operator may claim the damages suffered by the Operator from such Member.

Article 24 Notices

Any notice given to the Member by e-mail, mail, telephone, facsimile, or any other method based on the contact information contained in the Member’s application shall be deemed effective upon dispatch thereof.

Article 25 Language

The Japanese version will govern the interpretation of these Rules.

Article 26 Exclusive Jurisdiction

The parties agree that Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising from or in connection with these Rules between Members and the Operator.

Article 27 Governing Law

These Rules shall be governed by the laws of Japan.

Supplementary Provisions

  • 1. These Rules shall be effective as of November 1, 2008.
  • 2. These Rules have been partially changed on June 1, 2011.
  • 3. These Rules have been partially changed on April 1, 2015.
  • 4. These Rules have been partially changed on March 31, 2020.
  • 5. These Rules have been partially changed on October 1, 2021.
  • 6. These Rules have been partially changed on December 1, 2023.
